Saturday, September 22, 2007

My first Blog!!

Hello everyone and welcome to my first Blog.  As you know I love to write and I'm sure some of you will "say it's about time he started a Blog".  For those of you who don't know what a blog is, here's the proper definition.  "A Blog is short for wblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption.  Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Website." That's a simple understanding and I'm sure you will enjoy this new addition to the website.

So, where do I start with this historic ground breaking first Blog?  Well, being that my life deals with the Adult Entertainment Industry and I work close with the Strip Clubs, I guess I will kick it off with the last event I attended.  The Spearmint Rhino's Entertainer of The Year Contest kicked of Sept 20, 2007 at their Arcadia, CA club.  The contest was fun, and it was a good response for the first week into the contest.  All the girls did a great job and the crowd was really suportive.  I was happy to see a lot of my peeps in attendance and really happy to see them all having a great time.  My peeps are also known as the"1DOWN Fam".  You will hear a lot of mention of the 1DOWN Fam through out the life time of this Blog and you will see comments from the 1DOWN Fam.

Over the years I've attended hundreds of contest and I've meet thousands of exotic dancers and one thing I can say that they all have is courage!  I can say it with no shame, that I do not have the courage to get on stage in front of a club full of people and dance on stage stripping of my clothes until I was butt naked.  No way buddy, I just couldn't do it.  Even if I did, I don't think I could do it in a sexual way that I would look like I had any coordination and it would be just plain funny and embarrasing and not even close to sexy!  I would like to say Thank you to every single Exotic Dancer in the world for providing such a erotic form of entertainment.  There would be no Strip Club Industry if it wasn't for the dancers!

Do you think you could be a dancer?  I'm talking to you and I don't care if your male or female reading this Blog.  I wanna hear your feed back and so does everyone else.  I wanna know what would be your reason for dancing?  What would you choose for your stage name?  How long do you think you would dance in the industry for?  Or if you could not be a dancer, tell me why?

Well, this was my very first post and I hope you got a little enjoyment from it.  Please take part in making this Blog interactive by leaving a comment below.


Goldie DeWitt

This Blog will soon replace the "chat & shout box" link.  Pass the word.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha!! you're stuuuupid for the definition of a blog! But hey, why not help out the "cyber challenged" LOL! I'm happy to be one of the first commenters on this "historic and ground breaking event" :)
Ok so i'm gonna go out on this limb and answer your question. Would I be able to do exotic dancing. YES and NO.
Yes because as you all know, i am a FANTASTIC dancer!! ( Hehehehe!!) I'm kidding, but i do think i'm a pretty good dancer and to come up with something exotic and sexy would not be a problem. The problem lies in who i'm performing for. For a significant other, husband, etc. i'm cool with. I'd still get the jitters wondering what he'd think but I could handle it. Now performing in front of hundreds of men and women FORGET IT! NO Way José!! LOL I can dance in front of them...that'll take me a second to build the guts but to get naked,for ME personally, its just not the business. I'm a reserved person so to reach the extent of exposing myself to the public eye just wouldn't happen. It's bad enough i have crazy anxiety getting up in front of an audience to give a speech!
The girls and guys who do this like Goldie said " Have a lot of courage" and are for the most part pretty creative in what they do because they are SURELY making the buisness WORK and GROW! You have your loose ends every now and then that need some work..or A LOT of work..LOL, but hey they're up there!! The girls this past thursday did an awesome job with the creativity of there costumes. All different forms of sexy...( The lawyer- (good girl gone bad), The Biker Girl- (leather, Whiskey, ALMOST a bike) Yea those that didn't go missed out! Good Job to the girls!

MinDiddy said...

I love that the Blog is pink .. very cute ;0)~

This is a great idea ... give people a deeper look into the mind of a master .. Haha!

Plan on seeing me make comments on this thing ... cause you know I always have to give my two cents .. whether you want them or not. :o)

The contest was cool. A GREAT turn out for Week 1! Hopefully the momentum stays constant. The girls did a great job. I look forard to this Rhino contest every year because the girls always come out with these awesome routines and have these fabulous costumes.. Zoe from Industry I loved the sparkly bikini and the eye makeup! And Gigi from Torrance was great .. the spins on the pole were very entertaining.

It was fun to see the Family in full effect .. I look forward to next week!

And as far as an answer to your question about dancing .. haha .. anyone who knows me .. can tell you ... HELL no! That's just not for me .. so PROPS and Kudos to the girls that can really rock it up there!

Wayne Edwards said...

Hey whats up man, I read your blog on your myspace page, trippin over pussy. It was funny cause at the time I just so happened to be. And it put things into perspective.

I also like to write a lot, some people think weirdly of me for it. But sometimes it's best to do so. To share your crazy or not so crazy life with whomever may be interested out there in reading it. For the most part, I will look forward to visiting here. Maybe sometime rolling out to one of your shindigs.

But if I was to be a male stripper, lol I think it would probably be. OREO, something completely generic and have all the girls trying to dip my cookie in their milkshake haha. j/p

But yeah man, thats some funny shit.

Anonymous said...

You are one savvy motherfucker Goldie. See I can always get down with 1Down, because of its original/professional, and quality touch. ;) You like that huh? Plus never
Forgetting your roots (keeping it real) as they say is also a worthwhile part of your writes. Keep it popping.
Oh and Ok. I would never be a stripper. But I imagine if I was living another life that included a lot more confidence than what my fat ass has. I would call myself BIG lushes LOL aka The Big Dippa . LOL
weewh thats some funny shit, I love you Goldie be easy playa

Anonymous said...

What up fam?? I would sho-nuff enjoy dancin for some menz out dere... Im a big gurl, but got plenty of curves and no shame... my name could be ALATTA (cause i got alatta azz)..hahhaa..

I have a blast on thursday nite... some of the girls (fam) and i were dancin ourselves... he?? when you gonna have a big gurl nite??

The dancers were doin the damned thang... Gigi was the shyt... You know i was takin notes, right??? They were all sexy in their own way... I give them much props to do it, and love it... The audience was great and everyone had a smile on their face... Im lookin forward to next week...


Anonymous said...

Love the first pic man...had a great time thanks man!!

Unknown said...

A good time and definitely a pleasure coming out and seeing the Fam. (Honestly, it took too...long for us all to get back together.)
As for being a dancer... I've
never been asked and never put any real thought to it... But now that I have... in the privacy of my own home for a deserving man... Hell Yeah!!! Out on a pole, in front of people... Hell NAH!!!! As for a name.... now that is the hard part!!! I'd have to go with "Ms. Hammer Pants" A.K.A. "You Can't Touch This"!!!

I honestly think it would take me longer to figure out a good name than it would for me to gain the courage to strip. Shit I guess that is a definite "No" for me.

Anonymous said...

I had a blast at the event... and "some of the girl's in the audience were dancing too"??
wow, I musta missed that! ;)
Look forward to next week and the upcoming blogs, I like your writing style and it's ALWAYS an interesting read.

I couldn't possibly be a stripper because if you know me, you'd see I'm INCREDIBLY shy... and I never dance in public.
But, Trav's stripper name...
"BIG lushes aka The Big Dippa"
OH MY GOD! Too mutha fuckin' funny.
Ya'll always have a great time and it doesn't get much betta than that.

Anonymous said...

its was cool but how come there were NO other dancers dancing at the club like there normal girls a big nite like that most club dancers kill for a nite like that
i was confused

MinDiddy said...

To the last anonymous ...

I may be wrong, but I think that the reason there were no other dancers at the event besides the contestants is because that Rhino in Arcadia is normally closed, but is only open for special events.. i.e. this contest. So, there are no "regular" dancers to that club at this time. .. Don't quote me on this .. it's just an assumption .. but it seems logical enough.. :o)

Anonymous said...

hey fuck adultcon and anybody that goes to that bullshit im ridin wit Goldie!!

Anonymous said...

oh yea Dj SLEPROCK left that last comment!!

Anonymous said...

well thanx for that mental video of you on stage now i need to go watch the news or somethang to get that goofy shit out my head. as for me i don't think i could dance ya'll women are way more wild then us men, so i've heard. but if i really needed to be a dancer my name would have to be "inyamouff".

as you stated in your blog that we will see the "1down fam" in the life time of this blog. i am pround to say that i am 1 of many members of the 1down fam and proud of it.

still down